ViYou serves as a short-form sharing platform designed for discovery, creation, connecting others, and building community.
Our community guidelines are universal and encompass all aspects of our platform, from videos to comments and private messages. They serve as an essential extension of our Terms of Service and other policies.
The purpose of our rules is to create an inclusive environment where everyone has the freedom and security to engage and share.
At the heart of ViYou lies a commitment to safety, respect for human rights, and a nurturing environment where creativity thrives. Our five foundational principles not only shape our daily operations but also guide us through the complexities of community management.
Our pledge is to safeguard ViYou as a haven for expression without fear. We do not allow any content that poses a threat to personal safety, such as intimidation, exclusion, or silencing
We champion the right to personal privacy, empowering you to be your authentic self.
ViYou is a community that thrives on mutual respect where harassment and degradation have no foothold.
We’re dedicated to ensuring that the content you encounter on ViYou is genuine, fostering a trustworthy space for sharing life’s moments.
We’re committed to clarity and fairness in our policies and practices, ensuring you’re well-informed and confident in our community.
Physical and psychological safety form the foundation of individual well-being, and civility is key to a thriving community. Being civil does not mean you must always agree, but rather it is about recognizing everyone's inherent dignity and being respectful in action, words, and tone when engaging others.
We believe that everyone’s well-being is built on the pillars of physical and psychological safety. Civility is the golden thread that weaves our community together. We stand firm against any form of violent threats, the glorification of violence, or any criminal activities that could harm individuals, animals, or property.
Should a serious and immediate threat to life or safety arise, we take action by notifying the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content intended to cause physical harm to anyone
Any content inciting or supporting acts of violence
Any content that could intimidate or threaten violence against individuals or groups
Any content of weapon creation or use aimed at inciting violence
We do not allow content that is gory, sadistic, frightening, or anything that promotes or normalizes violence or suffering or is intended to shock, upset, or disgust others. We recognize this type of content may be triggering, cause psychological harm, or lead to extreme discomfort.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content of violent or graphic content, including:
Any content showing aftermath of natural disasters, war, terrorist attack, road accidents, or protests or riots, physical attacks, robberies, torture, suicide, medical procedures, or other such scenarios with the intent to shock or disgust others
Any content showing bodily fluids, such as blood or vomit, with the intent to shock or disgust others
Any content showing corpses or human body with massive injuries, such as severed or mutilated limbs
Any content of animal abuse content, including:
Any content showing mistreatment of an animal, putting an animal in poor conditions, or coercing animals to fight
Any content that promotes neglect, mistreatment, or harm toward animals
Any content that is graphic featuring animals and intends to shock or disgust others
ViYou is an inclusive platform enriched by the diversity of our community. We do not allow any hate speech, hateful behavior, or promotion of hateful ideologies. This includes explicit or implicit content that attacks a protected group
Hateful ideologies: systems of beliefs that exclude, oppress, or otherwise discriminate against individuals based on their protected attributes
Protected groups: individuals or communities that share protected attributes.
Protected attributes: personal characteristics that you are either born with, are immutable, or it would cause severe psychological harm if you were forced to change them or were attacked because of them. This includes:
National Origin
Immigration Status
Gender Identity
Sexual Orientation
Serious Diseas
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share
Any content promoting violence, segregation, discrimination, and other harms on the basis of a protected attribute
Any content dehumanizing someone on the basis of their protected attributes by saying or implying they are physically, mentally, or morally inferior, or calling them degrading terms, such as saying they are criminals or animals, or comparing them to inanimate objects
Any content using a hateful slur associated with a protected attribute
Any content accusing a protected group of being responsible for bad acts caused by one person with that protected attribute, such as using one example of harmful behavior caused by an immigrant to suggest all immigrants are dangerous
Any content dehumanizing or denying the existence of people because of their protected attributes, such as saying people have a mental illness if they identify as transgender
Any content promoting any hateful ideology, including:
Claiming supremacy over a protected group, such as racial supremacy, misogyny, anti-LGBTQ+, antisemitism, or Islamophobia
Using associated symbols and images
Facilitating the trade or marketing of any items that promote hate speech or hateful ideologies, such as books or clothing with hateful logos
Sexual content and nudity include pornography, fetishes, and content that exposes breasts, genitals, anus, or buttocks or behavior that mimics, implies, or displays sexual acts.
We do not allow the depiction of sexual content and nudity, whether real-world, dramatized, illustrated, or animated content.
Non-consensual sexual acts: any sexual contact that happens without the consent of everyone involved in the activity.
Sexual harassment: unwanted sexual communication or behavior directed at a person.
Image-based sexual abuse: possessing, distributing, or providing instructions on how to create or access intimate images (real or altered) of an individual that were created or distributed for a sexual purpose without their consent.
Sextortion: threat to share nude, intimate, or sexually explicit content without consent, usually to get money, sexual acts, or more nude, intimate, or sexually explicit content.
We are committed to providing a space that embraces gender equity, supports healthy relationships, and respects intimate privacy..
We do not allow showing, promoting, or engaging in adult sexual or physical abuse or exploitation. This includes non-consensual sexual acts, image-based sexual abuse, sextortion, physical abuse, and sexual harassment.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content of non-consensual sexual acts, image-based sexual abuse, or physical abuse (domestic violence)
Sexual harassment
We are deeply committed to ViYou being a safe and positive experience for young people. We do not allow showing, promoting, or engaging in youth sexual or physical abuse or exploitation. This includes child sexual abuse material (CSAM), grooming, sextortion, sexual solicitation, pedophilia, and physical or psychological harm of young people.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content showing, promoting, or engaging in youth sexual or physical abuse or exploitation, including:
Romantic relationships between an adult and young person, including pedophilia, or self-identifying as an adult attracted to young people
Grooming behavior
Sexual harassment
Sexual solicitation, including inviting a young person to engage in a sexual act, go off-platform, or share sexually explicit images
Any content showing or promoting physical abuse, neglect, endangerment, or psychological abuse of young people
Any content showing revictimization of young people who have experienced abuse or exploitation, including through third party reshares
We have zero tolerance towards any material that features or promotes child sexual exploitation, one of the most serious violations of our rules. This may include media, text, illustrated, or computer-generated images.
Regardless of the intent, viewing, sharing, or linking to child sexual exploitation material contributes to the re-victimization of the depicted children. For the purposes of this policy, a minor is any person under the age of 17.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content depicting of a child engaging in sexually explicit or sexually suggestive acts
Any content showing child sexual abuse material (CSAM), including any screenshot or any clip from the original material even if it does not show nudity or sexual activity
Any content of Illustrated, computer-generated or other forms of realistic depictions of a human child in a sexually explicit context, or engaging in sexually explicit acts
Any content of sexualized commentaries about or directed at a known or unknown minor
Any content linking to third-party sites that host child sexual exploitation material.
We believe in and are committed to building an inclusive community where each individual can express themselves without fear of harassment and cyberbullying.
We do not allow expressions of violence, including threats or disparaging statements intended to ridicule, insult, humiliate, intimidate, or hurt. Expressions of matters of public interest, critical comments on public figures may be permitted; however, serious aggressive behavior against public figures is prohibited.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content that insults or belittles someone based on attributes such as intelligence, appearance, personality, style, or hygiene or based on his/her age, race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation
Any content that advocates coordinated cyberbullying of an identifiable individual
Any content reveling in or mocking the death or serious injury of an identifiable individual
Any content that denies or minimized someone’s role as a victim of a well-documented, major violent event
Any content that uses features of ViYou to denigrate others
Any content depicting intentional harm or intimidation, such as stalking in cyberspace or trolling (i.e., displaying, uploading, or sharing content to deliberately provoke a negative response)
Any content wishing death, serious illness or injury, or grave tragedy to befall someone, including a public figure
Threatening to hack or collect information with the intent to harass or blackmail others can cause severe mental distress and other harm. We do not allow content that includes personal information that may pose a risk of stalking, violence, phishing, fraud, identity theft, or financial exploitation.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content undermining an individual's physical safety, by threatening them, or expressing a desire for them to die, get a serious disease, or experience some other severe physical harm
Any content threatening or inciting others to doxx or blackmail someone, or to share or hack account information
Any content inciting others to harass a person, or promoting coordinated harassment, such as advocating for people to post comments with abusive language, or to maliciously report an account
Any content showing personal non-public phone numbers and home addresses
Any content showing financial and payment information, such as bank account or credit card numbers
Any content showing identity documentation, cards, or numbers
We prohibit any form of content that promotes or normalizes suicide, self-harm, and eating disorders, provides instructions for suicide, self-harm, and eating disorders, or depicts suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders as heroic or honorable.
Should we encounter any imminent and verifiable threat to life or safety, we are prepared to take decisive action, including reaching out to emergency services to provide support.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content showing, promoting, or providing instructions on suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders
Any content that could be perceived as glorifying or normalizing self-destructive acts.
Any content showing sharing of plans or methods related to suicide or self-harm
Any content showing bullying or harassment based on body image or eating disorders
While we cherish the joy of participation, we prioritize the safety of our community. It’s essential to distinguish between what’s thrilling and what’s threatening. We steer clear of content that crosses the line into dangerous territory.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content showing dangerous activity that involves visible or imminent significant physical harm, or promoting dangerous activity
Any content showing or promoting:
Misuse of dangerous tools, such as knives, axes, chainsaws, or welding torches
Consumption of items unfit for human intake, such as detergents or non-edible objects
Dangerous driving behavior, such as exceeding the speed limit, running a red light, or live streaming behind the wheel
We work to ensure that ViYou does not allow activities that violate laws and regulations. We do not allow content displaying or promoting goods that are considered illegal, regulated, and/or violate our policies and content displaying or promoting illegal activities. This includes selling, buying, or facilitating transactions in illegal goods or services, as well as certain types of regulated goods or services.
We recognize that risking money in a game or on a bet may lead to potential harm for some people, including serious financial loss or mental health problems. We do not allow the facilitation or marketing of gambling or gambling-like activities.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content facilitating gambling or gambling-like activities, such as providing a link to a gambling service
Any content marketing of gambling or gambling-like activities, such as encouraging people to visit a website or providing a link
While adults make personal choices about how they engage with alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, we recognize that there are risks connected to trading and using these substances. We do not allow the trade of alcohol, tobacco products, and or drugs. We also do not allow showing, possessing, or using drugs.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content facilitating the trade of alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, or other regulated substances
Any content marketing tobacco products, drugs, or other regulated substances
Any content providing instructions on how to make homemade spirits, drugs, or other regulated substances
Any content showing, possessing, or using drugs or other regulated substances recreationally, including signs of being under the influence
Any content showing young people possessing or using alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, or other regulated substances
We do not allow anyone to attempt to exploit ViYou to take advantage of others’ trust.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content facilitating financial and individual-targeted scams, identity theft or phishing scams, and scams related to investments, financial transactions, or jobs
Any content coordinating, facilitating, or instructing on how to carry out scams
Any content facilitating organizational fraud, such as money laundering or moving illegally acquired money for someone else (money muling)
Any content facilitating the trade of fake currency, documents, and stolen information
We do not allow any content showing, promoting, or trading firearms, ammunition, explosive weapons, firearm accessories, and other weapons.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content displaying firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or other weapons
Any content offering to buy, sell, or trade firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or other weapons
Any content showing or promoting firearms or explosive weapons that are not used in a safe or appropriate setting
We do not allow activities that can undermine the integrity of ViYou and the authenticity of ViYou users. We remove content or accounts that involve spam or fake engagement, impersonation, misleading information that may be harmful, and those that violate intellectual property rights.
We do not allow spam and/or fake engagements, including any content or activity that attempts to artificially increase the number of views, likes, comments, or other metrics on ViYou. We prohibit any attempt to manipulate the platform to improve interaction metrics, including content that solely exists to incentivize users for engagement.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content that is excessively posted, repetitive, or untargeted and gets traffic or views off ViYou by promising cash, vouchers, or other consideration or benefit
Any content facilitating the trade or marketing of services that artificially increase engagement, such as selling followers or likes
Misinformation is defined as content that is inaccurate or false. While we encourage our communities to have polite conversations about matters that are important to them, we do not allow the spread of misinformation that harms other people or the general public regardless of the intent.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content involving misinformation that incites hatred or prejudice
Any content involving misinformation associated with emergencies that can cause panic or unrest
Any content involving misinformation in the medical perspective that can endanger the physical health of someone
Any content that has been technically manipulated that distort the truth of events and endanger the subject of the content, others, or the general public
We do not allow content or accounts intended to impersonate a person. We will ask reported impersonators to revise his/her profile, remove the content intended to impersonate a person.
Users are not allowed to:
Use someone else’s name, biographical details, image, brand, logo, or other personal information with the aim of misleading others
Claim to be a “fan account” in the bio page, but not stating clearly in the username, or create an account posing as another person and reupload that person’s content
The creativity on ViYou is what makes it great, so you should only post your own work. We do not allow content that violates someone else's intellectual property rights. If we become aware of content that is a violation, we will remove it.
Users are not allowed to display, upload, or share:
Any content that violates someone else's copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights
Any content that you did not make or you were not properly authorized to use
Copyright constitutes a legitimate legal entitlement that safeguards original creations, such as musical compositions and videos, as well as the articulation of unique ideas, exemplified by the distinctive manner in which a video or musical piece is expressed or produced. It does not, however, extend protection to the underlying ideas or factual elements. A trademark is a word, symbol, slogan, design that identifies and distinguishes the source of a product or service.
Any material found to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others shall be subject to prohibition and removal upon discovery or notification to our team. The utilization of copyrighted works may be permissible under specific circumstances, such as adherence to the doctrine of fair use or other relevant legal provisions and regulations. Similarly, the employment of trademarks in a lawful manner to reference, critique, comment upon, parody, establish fan pages, or produce analogous forms of content could be considered acceptable.